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Please pick the track that you signed up on in order to see the schedule BY CLICKING THE BUTTONS THAT APPEAR WHEN YOU SCROLL DOWN.  If you signed up for both tracks, you will need to click both buttons to see all talks available to you.   If you are being asked to "pay for a talk" it is not because something is wrong. It is because that specific talk is on a different learning track than the one you registered for.

Proudly supported by

Doctor Clinician Track

Sponsored by
Evexia Diagnostics Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory Health Diagnostics Research Institute Xymogen BioPure Infinite Allergy Labs Vibrant Wellness Quicksilver Scientific Golden Flower

Survivor / Just Interested Track

Sponsored by
Evexia Diagnostics Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory Health Diagnostics Research Institute Xymogen BioPure Infinite Allergy Labs Vibrant Wellness Quicksilver Scientific